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Premier Savikataaq commemorates Nunavut's 20th anniversary

Last updated Monday, April 1, 2019


Premier Savikataaq commemorates 20th anniversary of the creation of Nunavut

Premier Joe Savikataaq today released the following statement:

“Twenty years ago today, the landscape of Canada changed forever, thanks to the resiliency, the ingenuity and the resolve of Nunavut Inuit.
It’s hard to believe it’s been two decades since the creation of our territory. Twenty years since the realization of a powerful vision, the excitement and possibility, and the almost physical feeling of hope.

The reality of progress in Nunavut has not always been as swift as we’d hoped. But we have seen success, growth and tenacity, and have learned so much since 1999. We have come so far from where we started. We are growing – in our capacities, from lessons learned, in our partnerships and from each other.

Today, I hope you take the time to reflect on our successes – in the inspiration of our entrepreneurs, artists and musicians, in the passion of our Elders and advocates in Inuit language, culture and values, and in our communities where we foster support, understanding and accomplishments. This is our Nunavut. We are proud, and we are committed to realizing our potential and our goals.”


Media Contact:

Cate Macleod
Press Secretary
Office of Premier Savikataaq

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