News Media Room

Apricot Seeds and Apricot Seed Meal food recalls due to cyanide poisoning

Last updated Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Public Health Advisory

Apricot Seeds and Apricot Seed Meal food recalls due to cyanide poisoning

The Department of Health is warning Nunavummiut about a food recall issued by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) due to cyanide poisoning on the following products:

Brand Name Common Name Size Code(s) on Product UPC
Apricot Power Bitter Raw Apricot Seeds 454 g EXP 0121 7 280284 537130
Apricot Power Bitter Raw Apricot Seeds 226 g EXP 0121 7 528303 370840
Apricot Power Apricot Seed Meal 191.4 g 0218WF 7 280284 536904

More information on this product recall can be found on the CFIA website at…

This recalled product should be thrown out or returned to the location where it was purchased. Bitter apricot kernels naturally contain a compound called amygdalin, which has the potential to release cyanide when the kernels are ingested. Small amounts of cyanide can be detoxified by the human body, but high amounts may be lethal.

Exposure to high levels of cyanide may cause headache, dizziness, mental confusion, weakness, difficulty breathing, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, seizures and coma. Anyone experiencing these symptoms should go to their local health center.

For more information, contact the Canadian Food Inspection Agency at 1-800-442-2342 or visit

Sign up for food recalls at


Media Contact:

Wende Halonen
Senior Communications Officer
Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs

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