News Media Room

Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park summer and fall road maintenance closures

Last updated Friday, June 21, 2019

Public Service Announcement

Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park summer and fall road maintenance closures

Nunavut Parks and Special Places would like to advise Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park users of the parks’ periodic closure during the day throughout the summer and fall seasons for grading operations and road maintenance.

Closures will last up to 12 hours and maintenance dates will depend on weather and road deterioration. To ensure public safety and the quality of road work, park gates will be closed with no public access. A public notice will be sent out one day before the park closure.

For more information please contact Dion Fitzpatrick at 867-975-2350 or @email.


Media Contact:

Karen Flaherty
Manager of Communications, Education & Outreach
Department of Environment


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