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Explore and Destination Clic: French Immersion Programs welcoming applicants

Last updated Friday, March 19, 2021

Public Service Announcement

Explore and Destination Clic: French Immersion Programs welcoming applicants

The Department of Education is inviting youth between the ages 13 to 18 and post-secondary students to apply for the Explore and Destination Clic programs.

Explore is a free three- to five-week spring or summer French immersion online experience. Students learn and practice their French language skills and get to strengthen their understanding of Francophone culture. No previous French language experience is required. Deadline to apply is May 31, 2021.

Destination Clic is a three-week summer program tailored to help francophone youth nurture their sense of cultural belonging and francophone identity at home and elsewhere in Canada. Only students enrolled in a French-as-a-First-Language school program are eligible. Deadline to apply is March 31, 2021.

The Explore and Destination Clic programs will be delivered online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Apply now to give yourself the best chance to secure a spot!

For more information, contact François Ouellette, French Program Specialist, at 867-975-5677 or @email, or visit


Media Contact:

Troy Rhoades
Acting Manager of Communications
Department of Education

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