News Media Room

GN and NTA reach tentative settlement on a new collective agreement

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

News Release

GN and NTA reach tentative settlement on a new collective agreement

Iqaluit, Nunavut (September 21, 2021) – The Government of Nunavut and the Nunavut Teachers’ Association are pleased to report that on September 17, 2021, after a week of collaborative negotiations, they have reached a tentative settlement on a new collective agreement.

The previous agreement expired on June 30, 2021. The agreement is subject to ratification by both parties, at which point more details will be provided.


Media Contacts:

Matthew Illaszewicz
Manager, Communications
Human Resources

Patricia MacNeil
Assistant Executive Director
Nunavut Teachers’ Association
867-979-0750 x224

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