Culture, Language, Heritage and Art

2021 Qilaut

Qilaut 2021 winners

During February 2021, the Department of Culture and Heritage, in collaboration with Qaggiavuut, held the 2021 Qilaut Inuktut songwriting contest online. The contest celebrates Nunavut’s vibrant Inuktut music scene while promoting the use of Inuktut in all areas of daily life.

The 2021 Qilaut edition received 13 submissions from across the territory. Songs were judged by the public on originality, creativity, melody and lyrics.

The winning songs are:
1st Annirilavut – Joey Nowyuk.
2nd Nagligivagit – Debbie Oyukuluk.
3rd Kanngiaq – Daniel Taukie and Kallaarjuk Taukie.
4th Takujariurakkit – Alphas (Taqtu Kaunak, Kukigaq Allakannuaq, Qavvik Nanordluk, Nanorak Nanorak).
5th Quvianaq – Alphas (Taqtu Kaunak, Kukigaq Alakannuaq, Qavvik Nanordluk, Nanorak Nanorak).
6th Qungallutit – Daniel Kolola.
7th Qatanngutigiittuta – Eemali Kolola.
8th Anaanaga– Eva and Mallory Okatsiak.
9th Tikittugu – Mary Mike and Joey Nowyuk.
10th Nutarautilluta − Rosalie Pissuk.

The top 3 winners receive $5,000, $2,500, and $1,500, respectively, and the 7 runners-up receive $500 each.

Visit and listen to the 2021 winning songs!


Media Contact:

Michael Salomonie
Manager Communications
Department of Culture and Heritage


Image removed. 2021-02_psa_ch_qilaut_2021_winners_-_eng.pdf

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