News Media Room

Cheque cashing fees

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Cheque cashing fees

The Consumer Protection Regulations were amended to address cheque cashing fees that local retailers may charge consumers. The amendments came into force on April 1, 2018, and set limits on how much can be charged when cashing a cheque at your local stores.

If you receive a cheque from either the Government of Canada or the Government of Nunavut, you should not be charged a cheque cashing fee.

If you have a cheque from a government agency or local government body, the fees shall be no higher than:

  • $3 in the case of a cheque with a face value of $1000 or less; or
  • 2 per cent of the face value of the cheque in all other cases.

A designated local government agency or body includes all Municipal Governments, District Education Authorities, Housing Associations and Housing Authorities, the Nunavut Housing Corporation and Qulliq Energy Corporation.

For more information on cheque cashing fees, contact the Consumer Affairs division of the Department of Community and Government Services, toll-free at 1-866-223-8139 or by email to @email.

You can also visit the Consumer Affairs section of the Community and Government Services website at


Media Contact:

Aramide (Lola) Owoaje
Manager, Policy and Legislation
Department of Community and Government Services

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