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District Education Authority and Commission scolaire Francophone Nunavut Elections

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

District Education Authority and Commission scolaire Francophone Nunavut Elections

Passionate about enhancing education in Nunavut? Do you wish to be a community leader, representing students, parents, and your community?

The District Education Authority (DEA) and Commission scolaire francophone du Nunavut (CSFN) are holding elections on October 28, 2019. There are seven DEA seats in each community and five for the CSFN. You are not eligible to be a candidate if you are:

  • a judge;
  • a Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) or a Member of Parliament;
  • an employee of the school or the DEA/CSFN;
  • an election officer (including employees of Elections Nunavut);
  • in prison;
  • convicted under any election act within the past 5 years;
  • found to be noncompliant with financial reporting from an MLA election within the past 5 years; or,
  • found by the court to not be able to make decisions for yourself.

Candidates applications are accepted from September 23 to 27 at 2 p.m.

Download a Declaration of Candidacy form on the Elections Nunavut website at Then, fill out, sign and submit it to your local Returning Officer.

Help promote education in your community! Become a candidate!


Media Contact:

Troy Rhoades
Acting Manager, Communications
Department of Education

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