News Media Room

Keeping communities safe from polar bears

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Keeping communities safe from polar bears

The Department of Environment would like to remind everyone not to approach or feed wildlife, including polar bears, as they can become reliant on humans and aggressive in searching for food.
Polar bears are dangerous and unpredictable so it is important to always keep a healthy distance.

If you are caught intentionally feeding or harassing wildlife, or if you are found in areas that have been closed due to public safety, you may be charged under the Wildlife Act.

To prevent polar bears coming into communities, harvesters are asked not to leave any carcasses or hunting remains anywhere near communities.

The Government of Nunavut may be able to help with the cost of bear-safe meat storage containers through its Wildlife Damage Prevention Program.

For more information about polar bear safety and the Wildlife Damage Prevention Program, please contact your local wildlife office. Contact details can be found on the Department of Environment website.


Media contact:

Estela Aguilar
A/Manager of Communications, Education and Outreach
Department of Environment

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