News Media Room

Minister Aariak Welcomes Ministers of Education to Iqaluit

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

News Release

For Immediate Release

Minister Aariak Welcomes Ministers of Education to Iqaluit

IQALUIT (July 2, 2013) – Minister Eva Aariak is set to host the 101st meeting of the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC) on July 4th and 5th. Ministers of Education from across the country will be in Iqaluit to discuss issues such as early childhood education, eliminating the gap in Aboriginal education and improving learning outcomes.

"I am delighted to welcome my colleagues to Nunavut to continue our important work in education," said Minister Aariak. "For many of the ministers, this will be their first time in the Eastern Arctic. I look forward to showcasing our territory and to highlighting the successes and realities we face every day."

With representatives from each jurisdiction in Canada, CMEC provides an opportunity to work together at provincial/ territorial and international levels regarding education. CMEC offers a forum for on-going dialogue about policy issues, activities and initiatives of common interest, and the ability to liaise with the federal government and national partners in education.

"As we navigate the unique situations in each of our own jurisdictions, CMEC provides a central opportunity to work together. I am always eager to re-connect with this group and delve into the important issues and policies surrounding our work in education. This time around, it will be a lovely change to break away from the hustle and bustle of our regular urban centres and reflect on our roles here in Nunavut," said Minister Aariak.


Media Contact:

Wende Halonen

Communications Advisor

Department of Education



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