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Minister Kusugak congratulates new NAM president and board of directors

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023


Minister Kusugak congratulates new NAM president and board of directors 

Minister of Community and Government Services Lorne Kusugak today released the following statement: 

"I would like to congratulate Mayor Kenny Bell on his election as President of the Nunavut Association of Municipalities (NAM) and all the newly elected members of the NAM Board of Directors. I would also like to thank outgoing President Madeleine Redfern for her contribution in advancing municipal priorities during her term. 
It is unfortunate the weather prevented some of us from landing in Rankin Inlet and attend NAM’s annual general meeting held November 19-21. I am however pleased that senior staff and managers from our regional offices were able to make it and to participate in the sessions. 
NAM provides a common voice for municipalities in Nunavut and is an important partner for community and government services. I look forward to continuing to work with the newly elected president and board members to advance the common issues facing Nunavut's municipalities." 

Media Contact:  
Mustafa Eric 
Communications Specialist 
Department of Community and Government Services

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