News Media Room

New Kinngait Health Centre grand opening

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

News Release

New Kinngait Health Centre grand opening

Kinngait, Nunavut (September 7, 2021) – There was a special celebration to mark the grand opening of the new Kinngait Health Centre today, with Minister of Health, Lorne Kusugak Minister of Community and Government Service Jeannie Ehaloak, as well as South Baffin MLA, David Joanasie.

“I am very pleased to be able to celebrate the opening of the new health centre in Kinngait,” said Minister Kusugak. “This new facility demonstrates our government’s commitment to delivering high-quality health services to Nunavummiut across the territory. The new health centre improves community access and provides integrated high-quality health care services.”

The health centre opened to patients on August 3, and supports the Government of Nunavut’s commitment to help Nunavummiut with mental health needs with “calming rooms”. These rooms can provide a safe and therapeutic space for clients who may feel agitated or overwhelmed. These rooms create an immediate option community members who want to access mental health services.

The modern design and additional space aim to adequately serve current and anticipated needs of the community, and improve health care for all Kinngairmiut.

“Today, we celebrate the opening of this much-needed community infrastructure that will enhance, promote, and support the health of Kinngait for many years to come,” said Minister Ehaloak. “I am proud of the role the Department of Community Government Services has had in the planning, design, and construction of this outstanding health care facility. This is much needed critical infrastructure in the community.”


Media Contact:

Chris Puglia
Acting Manager, Communications
Department of Health

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