News Media Room

Nunavut Impact Review Board Public Hearings

Last updated Thursday, March 25, 2021

Public Service Announcement

Nunavut Impact Review Board Public Hearings

The Nunavut Impact Review Board (NIRB) is seeking volunteer community representatives to participate in the Baffinland ‘Mary River Phase 2’ public hearings happening from April 12 to 21 in Iqaluit.

The NIRB would like to hear from a broad range of community members including elders, women, and youth. Community members who are approved to participate in the hearing will be provided with airfare, accommodations, and meals.

Up to five community members can participate in the hearings from each of the potentially impacted communities including Pond Inlet, Arctic Bay, Igloolik, Sanirajak, Clyde River, Resolute Bay and Grise Fiord. Pond Inlet, as the community closest to the proposed project, is invited to send five additional community members for a total of 10.

Community members who want to participate in the hearings can contact Karen Costello at 1-866-233-3033 or @email. Additional information on the hearings can be found on the NIRB’s website at


Media Contact:

Andrea McFaul
Director of Policy, Planning and Communications
Department of Economic Development and Transportation

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