News Media Room

Reporting artifacts found on the land

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Reporting artifacts found on the land

The protection of Nunavut’s archaeological heritage for future generations is a responsibility shared between the government, the Inuit Heritage Trust (IHT) and Nunavummiut. If you find an artifact on the land, do not touch or remove it from where it was found. Instead, do the following:

1. Look at it.

2. Leave it.

3. Report it.

If possible, note as much information about your discovery, including:

  •  the date of discovery,
  •  a description of the artifact,
  •  a description and the location of the site (GPS reading),
  •  photographs of the artifact and/or site, and
  •  any other relevant information.

To report an artifact, or for more information, please contact the Department of Culture and Heritage’s Territorial Archaeologist at 867-934-2040, or IHT at 867-979-6700.


Media Contact:

Dan Pimentel
Communications Manager
Department of Culture and Heritage

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