News Media Room

Unconfirmed polar bear sighting

Last updated Monday, July 6, 2020

Public Service Announcement

Unconfirmed polar bear sighting

The Department of Environment would like to advise the public that our officers in Iqaluit are investigating an alleged polar bear sighting between Sylvia Grinnell Park and Peterhead Inlet.
Iqalummiut are reminded to stay clear of the area to ensure our officers can investigate and patrol the area for any potential dangers.

Always remember to exercise caution when outside and be mindful of your surroundings.

Please also remember the arctic is bear country, and it is always possible to encounter a polar bear at any time anywhere.

If you see a bear or signs of a bear, please contact the wildlife office at 975-7780, or 222-0167


Media Contact:

Karen Flaherty
Manager of Communications, Education and Outreach
Department of Environment

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