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Upcoming liquor licence plebiscite in Iqaluit

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement
Upcoming liquor licence plebiscite in Iqaluit

A local plebiscite will be held in Iqaluit this October to vote on whether to allow the Nunavut Liquor and Cannabis Board (NLCB) to be able to issue off-premises licences to local breweries for the sale of beer from their premises.

Off-premise licences are permitted under the Liquor Act, however, a local plebiscite is required before a new type of licence can be issued for the first time in a community.

The plebiscite will ask Iqaluit voters to vote yes or no to the following question: “Are you in favour of off-premise licences being issued in Iqaluit?”

If approved, Iqaluit breweries would be allowed to apply to the NLCB for an off-premise licence to sell up to 12x355ml cans or bottles of beer per day directly to customers from their location.

Under the Liquor Act, at least 60 per cent of voters need to vote “yes” to approve the change. If the vote is “no”, sales licences remain unchanged.

The plebiscite will be held in Iqaluit on October 24, 2022, with advanced voting on October 17, 2022.

Representatives from the Department of Finance and Elections Nunavut will hold a public meeting on October 12, 2022, to provide information about the plebiscite, Nunavut’s liquor laws and the voting process.

Important upcoming dates:

Public information meeting – October 12, 2022.
Advanced voting day – October 17, 2022.
General voting day – October 24, 2022.

For more information about the upcoming plebiscite, please email @email or call 867-222-9705.


Media Contact:

Department of Finance

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