News Media Room

Women’s Leadership Forum: Arnait Tulliningit

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Women’s Leadership Forum: Arnait Tulliningit

The Department of Family Services is pleased to announce Arnait Tulliningit, a leadership forum for women taking place in Rankin Inlet, August 23 to 26, 2021.

Guided by Pilimmakharniq, the forum aims to empower Nunavut’s women and girls using traditional knowledge, skills, and their roles as natural leaders. Through guided discussions, workshops, on the land activities, and stories, participants will have the opportunity to share, learn, support, and empower each other. Overall, the forum aims to build capacity among women to help prosper the lives of all women across Nunavut.

One participant will be nominated from each Nunavut community. Accommodations, meals and travel costs will be covered. The forum will take place in-person and will adhere to all COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions in place.

The name Arnait Tulliningit, or ᐊᕐᓇᐃᑦ ᑐᓪᓕᓂᖏᑦ, refers to a women’s trail, similar to the journey of the women attending this forum. Attendees will work to build progressive steps forward, to further social, economic and political opportunities, and set the foundation for social change and gender equality in Nunavut.

This forum has been funded through Women and Gender Equality Canada's Women's Program.

For more information or to register for the event, please contact Myna Kiguktak at 867-975-5212 or @email or Sarah Payne at @email.


Media Contact:

Jodi Durdle-Awa
Director of Policy and Planning
Department of Family Services

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