Business and Entrepreneurship

Atuqtuarvik Corporation

Atuqtuarvik Corporation, an Inuit-owned investment company, helps develop the economy by providing loans and equity investments to Inuit-owned businesses.

Atuqtuarvik Corporation is an Inuit investment company that was incorporated in 2000 to ensure direct Inuit participation in major economic opportunities in Nunavut. They provide debt and equity financing to viable Inuit businesses for the purpose of start-ups, acquisitions and expansions. The Corporation plays a key role in business development in Nunavut by providing risk capital and assistance to Inuit businesses in leveraging funds from other sources.

The corporation provides financing for Nunavut-based and Inuit-owned businesses for projects in the range of $150,000 - $3,000,000. They also offer scholarships for Inuit students.

To learn more about Atuqtuarvik Corporation, the services and resources they offer for Nunavummiut, visit their website here.


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