Environment and Wildlife

Teacher/educator environmental education training


Environmental education resources

Project Wild and Below Zero

DOE is the only certified provider in Nunavut of training in the Canadian Wildlife Federation's Wild Education Programs. Project Wild and Below Zero are two time-tested and highly acclaimed environmental education programs that have been used by Canadian educators for over 15 years. Below Zero was specifically developed for environmental education in "winter environments", making it a great resource for Nunavut educators. DOE's Wild Education training workshops are available to Nunavut educators and include a certificate of completion, complete Project Wild and Below Zero lesson plan guides and other valuable teaching resources. DOE offers Wild Education workshops upon request and at regional teacher conferences, including the upcoming Qikiqtani Regional Teachers' conference. For more information on Wild Education, visit the Canadian Wildlife Federation.

Other Training

The Environmental Education and Outreach section also offers training and professional improvement for Nunavut teachers and educators on a variety of environment-related topics. Contact @email for more information.

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