
Nunavut Coastal Resource Inventory


nunavut coastal resource inventory

The NCRI documents Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit from local experts (Elders and active hunters) on aquatic animals and plants, and changes in the coastal landscape. It is a collection of information on coastal resources and activities gained from community interviews, research, reports, and maps. This data is spatially mapped using a Geographic Information System (GIS) to assist in the management, development, and conservation of coastal areas.

 Nunavut Coastal Resource Inventory

NCRI_MarineMammals ncri_arcticbay_en NCRI Arviat.pdf NCRI Baker Lake.pdf ncri_cambridge_bay_en ncri_chesterfield_inlet_en ncri_clyde_river_en ncri_coral_harbour_en ncri_gjoa_haven_en ncri_grise_fiord_en ncri_igloolik_en ncri_iqaluit_en NCRI_Kinngait_En ncri_kimmirut_en ncri_Kugaaruk_en ncri_kugluktuk_en ncri_naujaat_en ncri_pangnirtung_en ncri_PondInlet_En NCRI_RankinInlet_en NCRI_ResoluteBay_En ncri_qikiqtarjuaq_en ncri_Sanirjak_en ncri_taloyoak_en NCRI Whale Cove.pdf
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