News Media Room

Baffin Island caribou total allowable harvest remains unchanged

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Baffin Island caribou total allowable harvest remains unchanged

The Department of Environment wants to clarify recent reports that an additional government restriction on the harvest of Baffin Island caribou was put in place in October. These reports are false. Other than the limited caribou harvest announced in August 2015, there are no seasonal government restrictions on hunting Baffin Island caribou.

The Baffin Island caribou moratorium was lifted in August 2015, and a total allowable harvest (TAH) of 250 male caribou was introduced. This TAH has been allocated to communities by the Qikiqtaaluk Wildlife Board. In the communities, the hunters and trappers organizations (HTO) have the authority to manage their allocation.

Under the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement, HTOs have the authority to allocate their share of the TAH and to regulate harvesting activities of their members. The Qikiqtarjuaq HTO closed caribou hunting by their members at the end of October, and they plan to reopen the harvest in January 2016.

If any hunters want to harvest Baffin Island caribou, please contact your local HTO for more information on allocations and any HTO-established restrictions.


Media Contact:

Carrie Harbidge
A/Manager of Communications, Education and Outreach
Department of Environment

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