News Media Room

Community-wide screening for tuberculosis in Pangnirtung

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

News Release
Community-wide screening for tuberculosis in Pangnirtung

Iqaluit, Nunavut (May 8, 2023) – The Chief Public Health Office of Nunavut and the Department of Health, in partnership with Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. (NTI), are advising residents of Pangnirtung that a community-wide screening clinic for tuberculosis (TB) is scheduled for later this year to address the number of active and latent cases in the community.

TB screening will begin in September 2023 and continue through November 2023 to ensure access and availability to as many residents as possible.

“I encourage all community members to attend this screening because anybody can be affected by TB. By getting tested and receiving treatment if needed, you are doing your part to protect the health and wellbeing of yourself, your community and all of Nunavut,” said Minister of Health John Main. “With ongoing support and collaboration with NTI, the Government of Nunavut is moving closer toward fulfilling the shared goal of eliminating TB in Nunavut.”

NTI will contribute funding, including the support and training of screening staff, as well as Inuit cultural competency training. NTI is also involved in the planning of the TB screening program.

“Tuberculosis is a preventable and curable disease. The rates of TB are higher in Nunavut because of overcrowded homes, food insecurity and barriers in accessing health services. I urge any Nunavut Inuk with a fever, sweats, loss of appetite or coughing up phlegm or blood to get tested for TB. In Pangnirtung, we are pleased to be working with the Government of Nunavut to improve testing in the community this fall,” said NTI President Aluki Kotierk. “Remember that nobody wants to be infected. Please be compassionate to our fellow Inuit and learn more about the disease.”

There will be additional information about screening over the coming months on the Pangnirtung community radio and social media pages.


Media Contact:

Danarae Sommerville
A/Manager of Communications
Department of Health

Kevin Kablutsiak
Director of Communications
Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.

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