News Media Room

Community-wide Tuberculosis prevention screening clinic in Cape Dorset

Last updated Monday, February 11, 2019

Public Service Announcement

Community-wide Tuberculosis prevention screening clinic in Cape Dorset

The Department of Health advises residents of Cape Dorset that the community-wide tuberculosis (TB) prevention screening clinic will open on Tuesday, February 12, 2019.
It is important that all Cape Dorset residents get tested to help eliminate TB and ensure proper treatment is accessible for all community members.

Screening appointments will be organized by household; community members are encouraged to visit the clinic at the Cape Dorset community hall for screening that includes a questionnaire, skin test, chest x-ray and possible blood work.

The Cape Dorset Health Centre is well prepared and has additional, dedicated staff to facilitate this TB screening clinic. While the risk is low, people with symptoms of TB are encouraged to be checked before they travel, to avoid the possibility of spreading the disease. Nunavummiut should feel safe traveling within Nunavut.
Additional information will be provided directly to the community through community radio and the Hamlet of Cape Dorset.

Tuberculin Skin Test Brochure:

Tuberculosis Factsheet:


Media Contact:

Sara Arsenault
Communications Specialist
Department of Health

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