News Media Room

Cruise Ready! Workshop

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Cruise Ready! Workshop

Cruise ship season is rapidly approaching. With the arrival of these ships come many opportunities – will you be ready?

The Department of Economic Development and Transportation has developed a workshop for cruise ship preparedness. ‘Cruise Ready!’ is a valuable workshop for all community members – those who have welcomed cruise ships in the past and those who are interested in starting.

The first workshop will be hosted in Pond Inlet and runs from June 27-30. Each day focuses on a different group:

Day 1: Organizers and Performers

Day 2: Tour Guides

Day 3: Artists, Seamstresses, Entrepreneurs

Day 4: Community Decision-Makers

For more information about Cruise Ready!, please contact Andrew Orawiec at 867-975-7838 or by email at @email.


Media contact:

Eugenie Kwok
Acting Manager of Communications
Department of Economic Development and Transportation

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