News Media Room

Expression of Interest for Appointment to the Labour Standards Board

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Expression of Interest for Appointment to the Labour Standards Board

The Department of Justice is looking for enthusiastic individuals interested in serving on the Labour Standards Board.

This Board is an administrative tribunal, established under the Labour Standards Act for appeals by either the employer or employee from decisions or orders of the Labour Standards Officer.

Applicants should have experience and/or knowledge in labour or business and in restorative justice. Oral and written fluency in English is essential, as membership requires extensive reading, comprehension of legal issues and the ability to review/write clear and concise decisions. Oral and written fluency in Inuktitut, Inuinnaqtun, or French would be an asset.

Applicants should be prepared to devote five to 15 hours per quarter (three months) to attend to Board affairs such as reviewing appeals filed under the Labour Standards Act, reviewing/writing decisions and conducting hearings. Much of this work is completed remotely through digital correspondence. Training will be provided, and members of the Board will be paid honoraria for the days when their services are required.

Currently, the Labour Standards Board is taking into consideration the current public health emergency when conducting all business.

If you are interested, please submit your resumé and criminal record check to Jacob Blackburn at @email or call 975-6565.


Media Contact:

Karlee Kendall
Policy and Communications Analyst
Department of Justice

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