News Media Room

Firearm Safety

Last updated Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Public Service Announcement


Firearm Safety

The Government of Nunavut reminds Nunavummiut to keep their firearms properly stored, either in gun cabinets or secured with a trigger lock when they are not in use.

A trigger lock is a two-piece lock that fits over a gun's trigger and trigger guard to prevent a gun from being fired.Trigger locks are available for free at your local RCMP detachment, your local Hunters and Trappers Organisation (HTO) or Hunters and Trappers Association (HTA) office.

Keeping ammunition stored separately, away from your gun, is another way that you can properly store your gun.

Let’s keep our communities and families safe!




Media Contact:

Nathalia Okalik
Jr. Policy Analyst
Department of Justice

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