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GN and Pulaarvik Kablu Friendship Centre collaborate to create Kivalliq Men’s Healing & Wellness Program

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

GN and Pulaarvik Kablu Friendship Centre collaborate to create Kivalliq Men’s Healing & Wellness Program

The Government of Nunavut (GN) and the Pulaarvik Kablu Friendship Centre are collaborating to create a program by Inuit men, for Inuit men, to be delivered in each Kivalliq community. The program’s aim is to help build a culture of healing among Inuit men by talking and working together.

Starting this fall, each community will offer one or two activities per month as well as two land excursions per year. These activities will involve men working together to offer service to community members (shoveling snow, delivering lake ice to elders), healing discussions around issues like dealing with grief or anger management, and traditional skills activities.

At this time, Pulaarvik Kablu Friendship Centre is looking to recruit a facilitator from each community to participate in a program development workshop. During the workshop, the program facilitators will design programs for their community.

The workshop will take place at the Piqqusilirivvik Cultural School in Clyde River from August 8 to 12 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. It is being coordinated by Samson Tutanuak, GN Senior Advisor for Angutiit, and will include involvement with Ilisaqsivik Society counsellors as well as GN mental health and Inuusivut staff.

For more information, please contact:

Charlene Williams-Kaludjak
Executive Director, Pulaarvik Kablu Friendship Centre


Media Contact:

Chris Puglia
Acting Manager of Communications
Department of Health

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