News Media Room

Harvest limit of 170 for Bluenose East caribou herd

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Harvest limit of 170 for Bluenose East caribou herd

The Department of Environment has set a Total Allowable Harvest (TAH) limit for the Bluenose East caribou herd in response to a continuing decline in the population, which has led to a conservation concern.

A maximum of 170 caribou may be harvested from this herd within the Nunavut Settlement Area.

The Department of Environment has also established a non-quota limitation sex-selective harvest ratio, where up to one female caribou can be harvested for every male caribou harvested (up to a 1:1 ratio).

Hunters will need to obtain a tag from the wildlife office before hunting.


Media Contact:

Casey Lessard
Manager of Communications, Education and Outreach
Department of Environment

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