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Health appoints lawyer to conduct external review in Cape Dorset

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

News Release 

Health appoints lawyer to conduct external review in Cape Dorset 

Iqaluit, Nunavut (February 24, 2015) – The Minister of Health has commissioned Katherine Peterson, a long-time northerner and legal expert, to conduct an external review into the 2012 Cape Dorset death of infant Makibi Timilak. 

Ms. Peterson will begin her review in late March 2015. A review was ordered in November 2014. 

“I’m confident this independent external review will be a thorough examination into the Makibi Timilak case,” said Paul Okalik, Nunavut Minister of Health. “My assurance to the public is this external review will be transparent, and that the contents of the report will be made public upon completion.” 

The review will focus on specific details of the case, including nursing practice and procedures, and steps taken following Makibi’s death. The review will determine if standard operating procedures were followed and if they were appropriate. In a broader sense, the review will examine the Government of Nunavut’s processes and responses to complaints, whether proper procedures were followed in this case, and how processes can be improved. 

The Department of Health expects an interim report by the end of October, and the final report, along with recommendations, submitted by November 30, 2015. The Minister of Health will respond to the recommendations upon the public release of the report. 


Media Contact: 

Ron WassinkA/Manager Communication and Public RelationsDepartment of Health867-975-5710[email protected]


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