News Media Room

Iqaluit Public Health — Baby Drop-in Clinic

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement
Iqaluit Public Health — Baby Drop-in Clinic

The baby drop-in clinic is now available at Iqaluit Public Health, Building 1091, every Wednesday from 1 to 4 p.m. The clinics are walk-in only, no appointments necessary.

The baby drop-in clinic program is a joint initiative delivered by the Canadian Prenatal Nutrition Program and Iqaluit Public Health. This program is for anyone who is pregnant and those who have babies up to 18 months old (two years if breastfeeding).

The Canadian Prenatal Nutrition Program coordinator will be present at the clinic to provide healthy snacks and taxi vouchers for transportation. Public health nurses will also be available for weight checks, education and support.

Due to COVID-19, we ask that one adult accompany their child with no additional visitors at this time.

For the protection of yourself and the community, please wear your own face mask while at Iqaluit Public Health. If you do not have a face mask, one will be provided to you on arrival.


Media Contact:

Victoria Morgan        
Communications Specialist
Department of Health


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