News Media Room

Issuance of T5007 slips

Last updated Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Public Service Announcement

Issuance of T5007 slips

The Department of Family Services Income Assistance Division informs Nunavummiut that T5007 tax slips for 2020 Income Assistance recipients have been delayed and will be issued by mail at the end of March.

Estimates will be mailed out by the week of March 15, to allow for those who are wishing to file their income tax earlier to do so. If you are filing income taxes based on an estimate, an update will need to be filed with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) once your T5007 slip has been received.

The Income Assistance Division understands the impact this delay may have on clients and is working hard to reconcile vouchers and payments.
The income tax filing deadline for the CRA is April 30, 2021.

For further questions about T5007 slips and what income assistance recipients can do, please call your community Income Assistance Worker. The contact list can be found at


Media Contact:

Lucy Aqpik
Communications Specialist
Department of Family Services

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