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Microsoft Translator Public Course February 24

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Microsoft Translator Public Course February 24

As part of this year’s Uqausirmut Quviasuutiqarniq, Inuktut Language Month activities, Inuinnaqtun, Inuktitut Roman Orthography, and the Inuktitut enhanced language model, were incorporated into the Microsoft translator.

The Department of Community and Government Services in collaboration with the Department of Culture and Heritage and Microsoft, is offering a free Microsoft Translator course to the public. You can learn how to use and access these supported languages through M365 Office products such as Outlook, Teams, Word and more.

This 60-minute course will be a Microsoft Teams Live Event with opportunity at the end for questions and answers. You do not need a Microsoft Teams account to join. Simply click on this link February 24 at 2 p.m. EST. A recording of the live course will be available on demand for 180 days. It can be accessed at after the course is complete.

To preserve the Inuktut language through technology is to promote the use of Inuktut everyday, whether it be at home, in the office or around the world.

Check out for more information and stay tuned to the Government of Nunavut’s social media pages for ongoing videos and contests celebrating Uqausirmut Quviasuutiqarniq 2022.


Media Contact:

Cassandra Lefebvre
Strategic Writer
Department of Community and Government Services

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