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Minister Main addresses staff at Arviat Elders facility testing positive for COVID-19

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023


Minister Main addresses staff at Arviat Elders facility testing positive for COVID-19

Minister of Health John Main today released the following statement:

“I am very concerned with the news that several staff at Andy Aulatjut Centre elders’ home in Arviathave tested positive for COVID-19. The centre is operated by Pimakslirvik Corporation, who has done an excellent job since the start of the pandemic in keeping residents safe and well cared for.

At this time, none of the six residents have tested positive for COVID-19 and all residents are reportedly doing well. I am happy to report that one staff member has recovered and will be returning to work. Those staff who have tested positive remain at home under isolation and are doing well. 

Staffing levels at the facility remain adequate. Pimakslirvik Corporation is bringing in additional staff to provide support. No visitors are allowed at the facility at this time to ensure the safety of the residents and staff. Daily COVID-19 screening of all residents and staff continues. All staff are wearing the appropriate and recommended personal protective equipment (PPE), including wearing N95 masks and face shields at all times while in the facility.

Residents are also requested to wear masks at this time. As per the Chief Public Health Officer’s guidelines, COVID-19 testing of facility residents and staff will be done every 72 hours until the outbreak is declared over.

My Department is in daily communication with the facility staff and management and we will provide regular updates as the situation evolves."


Media Contact:

Chris Puglia   
Acting Manager of Communications
Department of Health

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