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Nunavut Food Security Coalition launches new website on World Food Day

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Nunavut Food Security Coalition launches new website on World Food Day

Start Date: October 15, 2014

End Date: October 16, 2014

Iqaluit, NU 60 sec

World Food Day is celebrated each year on October 16. To mark this year’s event, the Nunavut Food Security Coalition is launching its new website,

Included in the website are the six themes that form the basis of the Nunavut Food Security Strategy, including:

  • Country food;
  • Store-bought food;
  • Local food production;
  • Life skills;
  • Program and community initiative; and
  • Policy and legislation.

The website’s detailed background information and objectives focus on the coalition’s strategy and action plan. People viewing the new website can learn about the Nunavut Food Security Strategy, highlighted actions and how they can help improve food security in Nunavut.

The Nunavut Food Security Coalition is a collaborative group of government departments, Inuit organizations, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector working together to improve food security in Nunavut. The coalition is a task group of the Nunavut Roundtable for Poverty Reduction, and is co-led by the Government of Nunavut and Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.

To learn more about the Nunavut Food Security Coalition, the Nunavut Food Security Strategy, and World Food Day please visit the new website at:


Media Contact:

Ron Wassink

Communications Specialist

Department of Health





Kerry McCluskey

Director of Communications

Department of Corporate Services

Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.

867-975-4914 (t) 867-222-2893 (c ) 867-975-4949 (f)

1-888-646-0006 toll-free


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