News Media Room

Nunavut participates in National Public Alert Test

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Nunavut participates in National Public Alert Test

The Department of Community and Government Services, Emergency Management Division, informs Nunavummiut that a test of the national Alert Ready System will take place simultaneously across all Nunavut time zones on November 17, 2021.

The test will take place at 2:00 p.m. EST, and 7:00 p.m. UTC, via cellular, TV and radio.

The test alert message reads: “This is a test. No action required.”

CBC Radio, TV, as well as local weather channels will be displaying the alert. Cellular message alerts will be received by mobile phones connected to an LTE network with settings adjusted to receive test messages.

Cellular device compatibility, connection to an LTE network, cell tower availability and coverage, device software and settings will impact cellular reception of the test message. Transmission of the test will only affect distribution channels (TV, radio, mobile), for approximately 30 seconds.

The Alert Ready National System is designed to deliver critical and potentially lifesaving alerts to Canadians and educates the public on what an emergency alert will look like in the event of a life-threatening situation. Ongoing testing ensures the system works as intended and identifies areas that need adjustments.


Media Contact:

Aramide (Lola) Owoaje
Manager, Policy and Legislation
Community and Government Services

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