News Media Room

Operation Nanook 2014 - Notice to Hunters and Fishers

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Operation Nanook 2014 - Notice to Hunters and Fishers

Start Date: August 7, 2014

End Date: August 28, 2014

Iqaluit and surrounding areas 60 sec

From August 23-28, 2014, the Government of Nunavut’s Emergency Management, in co-operation with the Canadian Armed Forces, the Canadian Coast Guard, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and other government departments, is conducting emergency measures training in the area of York Sound as part of the 2014 Operation Nanook emergency response exercises.

Hunters and fishers travelling or camping in the area of York Sound during this time will encounter ships, aircrafts and many military, government and emergency services personnel training on the land. Some areas of York Sound may be inaccessible when the Operation Nanook exercise is underway. All reasonable efforts will be made to ensure that hunting and fishing activities are not disturbed; however, individuals are encouraged to avoid these areas during this exercise, if possible.

For more information please contact:

Steven Baillie

Government of Nunavut Emergency Management

(867) 975-5403




Media Contact:

Hillary Casey

Communications Officer

Department of Community and Government Services

Phone: 867-975-5342

E-mail: @email


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