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Premier Akeeagok announces senior management changes

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

News Release

Premier Akeeagok announces senior management changes

Iqaluit, Nunavut (October 20, 2022) – Premier P.J. Akeeagok today announced changes to the Government of Nunavut (GN)’s senior management team.

Sheila Kolola, Deputy Minister of Human Resources, is leaving the public service for a leadership role with The Kakivak Association. Premier Akeeagok praised Ms. Kolola’s distinguished career, which included serving as President of the Nunavut Arctic College.

“Ms. Kolola is a long-time public servant, and her institutional knowledge is a loss for our government. I wish her all the best as she moves on to support the territory in another capacity,” said Premier Akeeagok.

Les Hickey will continue his assignment as Deputy Minister of Human Resources until the role is filled permanently.

Beth Brown joins the government as Press Secretary to oversee communications and media relations for the Office of the Premier.

“The press secretary promotes communication and transparency for our government,” said Premier Akeeagok. “I want to ensure Nunavummiut stay informed about the work my office and our Cabinet are doing to fulfill the Katujjiluta mandate.”

Ms. Brown is a former journalist for CBC North, Nunatsiaq News, Up Here Magazine and Nunavut News.


Media Contact:

Beth Brown
Press Secretary
Office of Premier Akeeagok


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