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Premier announces winner of 2015 Literacy Award

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

News Release

Premier announces winner of 2015 Literacy Award

IQALUIT, Nunavut (September 8, 2015) – In honour of International Literacy Day, Premier Peter Taptuna is pleased to announce that Elijah Tigullaraq, an educator from Pond Inlet, is the winner of the 11th annual Council of the Federation Literacy Award for Nunavut.

"As an outstanding and dedicated educator, Elijah has not only inspired numerous students, but also his co-workers," said Premier Taptuna. "On behalf of the Government of Nunavut, I would like to express my sincerest appreciation of Elijah’s important contributions to his community, and encourage him to continue his work in strengthening literacy in our territory."

Established in 2004, the Council of the Federation Literacy Award recognizes the successes of adults that have undertaken literacy training, and celebrates the valuable contributions made by Canadians across the field of literacy. Mr. Tigullaraq was selected for his leadership as an educator for 35 years, and for his dedication to teaching diverse learning groups with methods inspired by Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit (IQ).

Each year, the Council of the Federation celebrates achievement, innovative practice, and excellence in literacy. The annual award is presented to educators, volunteers, learners, community organizations, non-governmental organizations, and businesses, in each province and territory. Each award recipient receives a certificate signed by the Premier of their province or territory, as well as a Council of the Federation Literacy Award medallion.


Media Contact:

Yasmina Pepa
Chief, Public Affairs
Office of Premier Taptuna

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