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Premier Savikataaq congratulates Arctic Inspiration Prize winner

Last updated Wednesday, February 13, 2019


Premier Savikataaq congratulates Arctic Inspiration Prize winner

Premier Joe Savikataaq today released the following statement:

“Last night, I had the honour of presenting the one million dollar Arctic Inspiration Prize to the very deserving, Nunavut-based project, Pirurvik - A Place to Grow.

I have always understood the importance of early childhood education grounded in individual needs and traditional child-rearing. The work done through this project to motivate children to learn at their own pace is valuable, and sets children up for long-term success. The program also uses the needs of our communities to shape programming that works for them.

I am excited to see Pirurvik - A Place to Grow expand and succeed, and am excited for the possibilities to come. Congratulations to Tessa Lochhead and Karen Nutarak, Co-Directors of the Pirurvik Preschool, and all those involved, for your hard work and vision.

I also want to congratulate Cambridge Bay’s From Scrap to Art on their $100,000 prize in the youth category for their work to build identity, pride and community wellness. And to all the Arctic Inspiration Prize nominees, thank you for your dedication and passion to support Northerners and the Arctic.”


Media Contact:

Cate Macleod
Press Secretary
Office of Premier Savikataaq

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