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Premier Savikataaq congratulates ITK President

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023


Premier Savikataaq congratulates ITK President

Premier Joe Savikataaq today released the following statement:

"On behalf of Nunavummiut, I want to offer congratulations to Natan Obed on his re-election as President of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami. His work over the last three years has put the culture, challenges and priorities of Inuit on the national and international stages.

I look forward to continuing our strong working relationship, advocating for Nunavut Inuit. We are stronger together. I’m confident we can use our common voice to ensure fair recognition and representation of Inuit in initiatives like suicide prevention, the Indigenous Rights’ Framework, the Arctic Policy Framework, and improvements to the Nutrition North program.

Thank you for your work so far, and all the best as you move onto your second term."


Media Contact:

Cate Macleod
Press Secretary
Office of Premier Savikataaq

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