News Media Room

Reduce risks together during Emergency Preparedness Week

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement 

Reduce risks together during Emergency Preparedness Week 

May 3-9 is Emergency Preparedness Week across Canada. This year’s theme is “Know the Risks. Reduce Them Together!” 

Protection Services would like to remind individuals to be prepared and stay safe in the event of an emergency in their community or on the land. 

At home, you should always have an emergency kit with enough supplies for at least 72 hours. This emergency kit includes: 

  • extra water (2 litres per person, per day) 
  • non-perishable food and a manual can opener 
  • a flashlight 
  • a radio 
  • extra medication 
  • warm clothes 
  • cash 

When travelling on the land, always take the following measures to protect yourself in the event of an emergency or equipment failure: 

  • Always travel with an emergency communications device, even on day trips. Sign out a free SPOT device at your hamlet office. 
  • Tell family and friends where you are going and when you will return. 
  • Always prepare for 72 hours on the land. Bring extra fuel, food, clothing and equipment, even on day trips. 

Whether at home or on the land, reduce risks together by encouraging your friends, family and community to be prepared in the event of an emergency. 

For more emergency preparedness tips and tools, visit For land and outdoor safety tips, please visit 


Media Contact: 

Hillary Casey Communications Officer Department of Community and Government Services 867-975-5342 [email protected]

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