News Media Room

Travel for FANS and ALTS program students outside of Nunavut

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Travel for FANS and ALTS program students outside of Nunavut

The Government of Nunavut (GN) understands that college and university students in school outside the territory are concerned about the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus.

Nunavut’s Chief Public Health Officer and other jurisdictions have advised against nonessential travel during the COVID-19 pandemic.

To stay in-line with these recommendations, the GN wants students on Financial Assistance for Nunavut Students (FANS) and Adult Learning and Training Supports (ALTS) programs to know that they will not book return travel home until further notice.

Student residences remain open, and students are permitted to stay at the school’s residence until the end of April. The schools are also continuing their food services.

Unnecessary travel could lead to the potential spread of COVID-19. Doing our part to slow the spread, and practice social distancing is important, even when it’s hard. The health and well-being of Nunavummiut, both in and out-of-territory is the GN’s top priority.

To ensure there is no financial hardship for our out-of-territory students, those who receive funding from FANS or ALTS will continue to receive funding for as long as they are away from home.

For more information, please contact: @email


Media Contact:

Lucy Aqpik
Communications Specialist
Department of Family Services

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