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Unikkaarvik Visitor’s Centre programming - November

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Unikkaarvik Visitor’s Centre programming - November

In November, the Unikkaarvik Visitor’s Centre presents movies based on northern stories and history. Join us at building 220 in Iqaluit on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Admission is free, and popcorn and drinks are provided.

November 15 –The Snow Walker: Drama about a plane crash and the survivors, the pilot and a young Inuk played by Annabella Piugattuk; based on a Farley Mowat story.

November 22 – Classic Nunavut Animation Night (Double Bill) includes Cape Dorset (1973) and Legends and Life of the Inuit (1978). These documentaries from the 1970s are full of nostalgia and legend. Some material may be scary for small children.

November 29 – Uvanga: Drama featuring a boy who returns to Nunavut to reconnect with his Inuit family. This film has mature content and is not intended for viewers under 18 years old. The Nunavut Film Development Corporation invested a total of $211,597 to develop and produce this film.

For more information, please call 867-979-4636.


Media Contact:

Matthew Illaszewicz
Manager, Communications
Economic Development and Transportation

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