News Media Room

Unlicensed Lotteries in Nunavut

Last updated Monday, February 17, 2020

Public Service Announcement

Unlicensed Lotteries in Nunavut

Following an increase in unlicensed lotteries on social media, the Department of Community and Government Services reminds Nunavummiut that it is unlawful to hold an unlicensed raffle in Nunavut.

Individuals who wish to fundraise for personal reasons through raffles are not eligible for a lottery licence. Only charitable or religious not-for-profit groups whose proceeds are used for charitable or religious purposes qualify for a lottery licence in Nunavut.

Nunavummiut should be careful when participating in or purchasing tickets for any lottery where a licence number is not clearly visible. To ensure that a raffle or prize draw is licensed, ask to see a copy of the valid licence number before buying a ticket.

Conducting a lottery event without a licence is a Criminal Code offence. It is unlawful to hold an unlicensed lottery event or fundraiser in Nunavut. If you are concerned of possible fraud from an unlicensed lottery, please contact your local RCMP detachment.

To find out if your organization qualifies for a lottery licence, please contact the Consumer Affairs office at 1-866-223-8139. For more information, visit… .


Media Contact:

Mustafa Eric
Communications Specialist
Department of Community and Government Services

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