News Media Room

Using and Storing Cleaning Products and Sanitizers

Last updated Friday, July 10, 2020

Public Service Announcement

Using and Storing Cleaning Products and Sanitizers

Cleaning high touch surfaces like countertops, doorknobs, and toys, can help limit the spread of viruses like COVID-19. Good handwashing techniques and using alcohol-based hand sanitizers can also limit the spread of germs, which is very important for keeping ourselves and those around us safe.

Make sure that you are using and storing your hand sanitizers and household cleaning supplies safely by following these tips:

Using and storing hand sanitizers:

  • Hand sanitizers can be used after touching a surface, or after sneezing or coughing, but should only be used on hands that are not soiled or wet. You only need to use a dime-sized droplet of hand sanitizer at a time.
  • Never put hand sanitizer in your mouth or eyes. Ingesting even a small amount of hand sanitizer can be poisonous in children.
  • When using hand sanitizer, make sure that you rub your hands together until they are completely dry.
  • Keep hand sanitizers out of reach of children and pets. Young children may be attracted to hand sanitizer due to its smell or brightly coloured containers. Children should only use hand sanitizer with adult supervision.

Using and storing household cleaners:

  • Before using a product, read the label. Pay attention to words like ‘Caution’, ‘Danger’, ‘Toxic’, and other warning indicators.
  • Never mix household chemical products together.
  • Never leave the container unattended – take the amount that you need for cleaning, then close and store the container immediately.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and hot water after using the product.
  • Store cleaners in original containers – do not remove labels, and do not put cleaning products into food or drink containers.
  • Store cleaners on a high shelf to keep them out of reach of children and pets.
  • Install child safety locks/latches on cabinets that contain household cleaners.

Most household products are safe when used as directed, but if you or someone in your home has ingested a cleaning product or hand sanitizer, or has spilled, splashed, or otherwise come into contact with a potentially harmful product, contact your local health centre immediately. If available, bring the product container with you should you need to go to the health centre.


Media Contact:

Chris Puglia
Acting Manager of Communications
Department of Health

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