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Valid photo ID needed for purchases at the Iqaluit beer and wine store

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Valid photo ID needed for purchases at the Iqaluit beer and wine store

The Government of Nunavut (GN) would like to remind people that valid photo identification (ID) will be needed to make purchases at the Iqaluit beer and wine store.

You can get a Nunavut general ID card at the Iqaluit Motor Vehicles Division office, at 1104C Inuksugait Plaza. Business hours are from 9 a.m. to noon and 1-4:30 p.m., from Monday to Friday.

Two pieces of government-issued identification are needed, and at least one must show your date of birth. Please note that it can take up to four weeks for your ID card to be processed.

A valid Nunavut driver’s licence is also acceptable as photo ID.

For more information on getting a Nunavut general ID card, please contact the Motor Vehicles Division Office at 867-975-7840 or 867-975-7841.


Media Contact:
Denise Grandmaison
Manager, Communications
Department of Finance

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