
Nunavut’s Sport, Physical Activity, and Recreation Framework 2020-2030


Nunaliit Aulajut Framework 2020-2030 Summary

Inuit Societal values are the foundation for the Framework’s five goals, which guide the delivery oSPAR Framework Summaryf sport, physical activity, and recreation in Nunavut.

The five goals of Nunaliit Aulajut include:

1. Active Lifestyles: Promote an active lifestyle and encourage everyone to be active in some way, every day.

2. Programs and Services: Ensure there are a variety of opportunities for everyone to participate in a safe, inclusive, accessible, and culturally-relevant sport, physical activity, and recreation.

3. Leadership and Capacity: Recruit, train, and retain sport and recreation staff, volunteers, and youth leaders. Promote career opportunities and work to professionalize the sector.

4. Connect and Collaborate: Strengthen connections within communities, across government departments, and throughout the sector to make it easier to work together.

5. Spaces and Places: Dedicate more indoor and outdoor facilities and areas for sport, physical activity, and recreation. Keep these spaces and places safe, well-serviced, accessible, and welcoming to all.

Nunavut’s Sport, Physical Activity, and Recreation Framework 2020-2030

In Nunavut, hunting and hockey, sewing and soccer, dancing and drumming, as well as badminton and berry picking are some of the activities we enjoy.Wrestling

This Framework reflects the Inuit way of life, culture, and societal values. Its pathway respects all the ways we choose to be active and engaged in our communities and provides guidance for the next 10 years.

The Government of Nunavut’s Sport and Recreation Division is responsible for implementing the Framework’s goals in cooperation with the many people, groups, and communities who share an interest in advancing sport, physical activity, and recreation in ways that benefit health, well-being, and quality of life in Nunavut.

Sport and Recreation Division Action Plan

In Nunavut, physical activity is a way of life. People know that being active is good for their bodies and minds, for their families and communities, and for their culture and land.Collins 03-22-2018-44

The Government of Nunavut (GN) encourages and supports a physically active lifestyle through sport and recreation.

In 2020, the GN published Nunaliit Aulajut:

Nunavut’s Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation Framework 2020-2030. The Framework is deeply rooted in Inuit Societal Values. Its goals reflect the perspectives of many people, organizations, and communities who share a passion for, and support opportunities to engage in, sport, physical activity, and recreation.

The Sport and Recreation Division is committed to advancing the goals of Nunavut’s Sport, Physical Activity, and Recreation Framework. Achieving positive impacts through sport and recreation requires effective communication, coordination, and collaboration.

GN departments, municipalities, non-profit organizations, Inuit Associations, coaches, leaders, officials, athletes, youth ambassadors, and others play a role in fostering health, well-being, and quality of life through sport, physical activity, and recreation. The efforts of many are what will make the vision of Nunaliit Aulajut become a reality.


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