
Mining and Exploration

Nunavut is recognized as one of Canada’s most attractive jurisdictions for mineral and petroleum exploration and investment. The development of our mineral and petroleum resources has the potential to generate significant economic benefits for Nunavut. In fact, over the past few years, Nunavummiut have benefited significantly from mine development, exploration and gold production.

Control of land and resource management responsibilities is essential to long-term economic development and the territory’s self-sufficiency. Currently, the federal government controls the revenue generated from developed Crown lands in Nunavut. Devolution of authority for land management from the federal government to the territorial government is needed if Nunavummiut are to be self-reliant and the beneficiaries of future economic growth. Devolution will provide Nunavut with control and the opportunity to collect mineral and petroleum royalties.

Economic Development & Transportation's Minerals and Petroleum Resources division is responsible for encouraging and supporting the development of sustainable mining and petroleum industries in Nunavut. This support includes the development of a streamlined permitting and regulatory regime and legislation to support resource management and development. It also includes the development of geoscience information, financial and technical support for prospectors, the enhancement of investor confidence and liaison with key players including industry, local service sectors and potential workforce participants.

For more information, you can contact:

Minerals and Petroleum Resources Division
P.O. Box 1000, Station 1500
1104A Inuksugait Plaza
Iqaluit, NU
X0A 0H0

Toll-free 1-888-975-5999
Fax: 867-975-7870
Email: @email

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