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Premier Quassa announces cabinet portfolios

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023


IQALUIT, Nunavut (November 21, 2017) –Premier Paul Quassa announced portfolios for his new cabinet today. The fifth executive council of Nunavut is a mix of new and returning politicians, and the first time Nunavut has three female cabinet ministers. These portfolios emphasize Premier Quassa’s commitment to fulfilling important campaign promises, fostering understanding and compassion, and putting people first.

“I want to thank the members of cabinet for their enthusiasm and dedication to serve Nunavummiut,” said Premier Quassa. “While we certainly have significant work ahead of, we are all eager to meet the challenge. We are committed to improving partnerships and moving forward with social development. I am confident these portfolio assignments ensure strong leadership and will reinvigorate departmental alignment and priorities.”

Premier Quassa will also serve as Minister of Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs. The Honourable Joe Savikataaq returns to cabinet as Deputy Premier and Minister of Family Services. New cabinet ministers have been assigned the following departmental portfolios:

  • Government House Leader, Minister of Economic Development and Transportationand Minister of Environment, the Honourable Elisapee Sheutiapik,
  • Minister of Finance, the Honourable David Akeeagok,
  • Minister of Health and Minister responsible for suicide prevention, the HonourablePat Angnakak,
  • Minister of Justice, Minister responsible for Qulliq Energy Corporation and Minsterresponsible for Status of Women, the Honourable Jeannie Ehaloak,
  • Minister of Education, Minister responsible for the Nunavut Arctic College andMinister of Culture and Heritage, the Honourable David Joanasie, and
  • Minister of Community and Government Services and Minister responsible for theNunavut Housing Corporation, the Honourable Lorne Kusugak.

“I want to assure Nunavummiut that we have heard your concerns during this last election. We understand your frustrations and your hopes, and we will undertake the changes you seek. We work for Nunavummiut, in the best interests of our land, our people and our future,” said Premier Quassa.


Attached: Full portfolio listing

Media Contact:
Catriona Macleod

Director of Communications

Department of Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs




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